Board's Northern Nectars

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5.00 out of 5

Our farm is snuggled on a hillside overlooking Commanda Lake seconds before you reach the village of Restoule.

Our gardens are dedicated to the industrious bees so we've planted special flowers and foliage that they like. There's a beeyard right outside our kitchen door!

Here on the farm we produce a diverse inventory of tasty, healthy and useful products. What we extract, prepare or make contains something from the hive: honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis or royal jelly.

The ancient knowledge of apitherapy, or using honey and other products from the hive to heal the body, is a gift from the hive we want to share with our customers. Master Beekeeper, Stefan Board, has studied to achieve his Level One Apitherapy Certificate. His willingness to help and to share his knowledge and success stories is sure to entertain and teach many about the pharmaceuticals nature has given us for millions of years thanks to the honey bee.

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